All products use Asian sizes. Choose one size up if you shop U.S. or EU brands.
The product is currently shipped overseas, and it will arrive in about 5 days after shipment. Please do not place the order for urgent orders. Thank you ~ (we will inform you immediately if it is out of stock)
After confirming the purchase, please do not abandon the order at will ~
If you need to change the size, please contact us to change the size within 24 hours after placing the order.
(Please cancel the order and re-order directly if you change the color) for more than ten items, please contact customer service to communicate the volume problem so as to recommend the optimal delivery method ~
Tips: due to the different dressing looseness of each person, the size chart and the size recommended by customer service are not the reason for return and exchange. We will follow our store rules by default, everything is lovely, no special, no exception.
About return and exchange: If you have any dissatisfaction or suggestions after receiving the product, please contact Customer Service for return and exchange. Don't make any urgent comments first. We will do our best to solve your problem.
Thank you for your support to the store
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